created and directed by mitch jones
11th - 19th October 2024 at darebin arts centre, Naarm/melbourne
tickets and more info Here
Apocrypha (a-) n. Hidden writings, works outside the accepted canon of scripture, social outsiders who do not fit the norm.
a garden of ideas blooming with surreal imagery, this new work of experimental circus and physical theatre explores the bodies hidden secrets and miraculous transformations. featuring some of australias best artists and designers in a world premiere - this season is not to be missed!

Since 2018 Oozing Future has been developing new audiences for contemporary circus by centring theatricality, production design and diverse teams of artists within our practice. Our shows have toured around Australia and gained us an artsitc reputation for making bold and insightful work that intrigues and entertains.

Creating unique peformances and offering expert theatrical services, we are always looking for opportunities to collaborate.